Gratitude Journal - Surround Yourself With Happiness


Surround yourself with Happiness.

This journal is meant to be a 5 minute daily gratitude journal that you can do in the evening to reflect reflect on your day and bring out the positive events that happened so you are ready for a peaceful rest.

Thinking about the good parts of your day, the things you are grateful for and your truths. To get started, the first page prompts you to write your mantras, 5 things to quit, 5 things to remember (your truths, your core, the things that keep you centered) and your goals for the year. This page is a spot to look back on whenever you do not feel centered in your life, to guide you so you can remember your truths and the things that are important and to keep happiness in your life.

When the week is done there is a reflection spot to look back on the week overall and highlight the positive aspects and things you have learned. At the end of every month there is a review to look back on the month as a whole. At the end of the year when you have completed the journal there is a collective reflection page where you can reflect on the year as a whole, learn from the year and set goals for next year. Each month is separated by an inspirational quote that has brought meaning and motivation to my life and is meant to inspire you throughout the year. The journal is undated so you can start at any point in the year. 

If you are feeling anxiety or worries or just want to record your gratitude and happiness, now is the best time to start journaling.